The Powell's

The Powell's

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trick or Treat

We had our first Trick or Treat at our new house on Thursday night. It was cold passing out candy. What was weird was that our neighbors were all in their drive way to pass out candy. Of course we just followed what they were doing. That was new, but maybe that's what happens when you live on a dead-end street to get trick or treater to come to your door. We ran out of candy 15 minutes before it ended. Above are our pumpkins were carved. This year I tried a stencil drawing without reading the directions. It would have been much easier if I had. It's suppose to be a bat. Matt's is just a face. I think it looks like Shriek.
While we had trick or treaters, Matt and I came up with a list of "You know you are too old to be trick or treating when...
1) You have leg hair or boobs
2) You have a lame costume that you just threw together and no one can tell what you are
3) You are very unenthusiastic when you say "Trick or Treat" or "Thank You"
4) You are trick or treating alone because all your friends are home passing out candy
5) You and your girlfriend/boyfriend are dressed up as a couple theme
We witness it all. If I think of anymore I'll keep you posted.
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Gifts for Baby Powell

So many good gifts for Baby Powell
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Friends at shower

Pictures of friends that were at my shower. I loved seeing my high school friends, college friends, work friends, Matt & I's friends and concert friends, and family all in one room. Matt and I are truely blessed!
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Belly Measurement Game

I had a lot of fun seeing who knew my belly size. The kids won the prize. Jaime and Kristen were pretty close too!
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Party weekend

On Friday, we had Matt's Oktoberfest work party. The money raised went to the Battered Women's Shelter. On Saturday, we watched Akron U get destroyed by Western Michigan in football. It's pretty bad when the other team can score 2 touchdowns in 21 seconds. After the game, we went to Leanne's & Carl's annual pumpkin party. All the soups were delicious for the soup contest. Gary's chili is a little too spicy for the baby and I. All the pumpkins that were carved were so cute. I like Benjamin's the best.
Sunday was my first baby shower! What I liked most about it was that I was surrounded by all my different groups of friends. It makes you feel so special having such awesome supportive friends. The party was at my house which made it really relaxing for me which is what I wanted. I got so many useful gifts for the baby. I apologized for opening gifts with a dress on. I'm sure I wasn't very lady like the whole time and I didn't realize this until after the party. Thanks again to Rachel for having the perfect shower and for my mom, Charla, Jen, Jaime, Amy, Rachel, and Cathy for making the delicious brunch food. I hope everyone had a good time at my shower.
After this busy party weekend, it's long wonder my sciatic nerve is killing me. At least I got my pack-n-play together and all my thank you cards done.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Week 32

I might be starting the nesting period because I had to clean the baseboards and the heating vents. I am very excited for my first baby shower this week. I haven't cheated by looking at my registry. Thanks to my best friend Rachel who is throwing this shower along with my friends Jen, Amy, Cathy, Charla, Jaime, and my mom who are helping with the food. This past Saturday, I got a massage which was wonderful. She realigned my hip, which is helping my sciatic nerve. I can't wait until pay day again to get another massage. The baby is loving it, too! Matt finished painting the baby's changing table to match the crib. He also put together the glider that was an early gift from all my aunts.
I had another dream about a baby girl. She was adorable as could be, but she had no eyelashes. She also had a breathing tube up her nose that she kept pulling out. I kept putting it back in even though, it wasn't connected to the actually breathing tube.
The top baby Powell names this week is Annabelle Grace and Isaac Matthew.
My friend Mary had a little girl this past Wednesday: Emily Grace!
My doctor appointment went well. My cervix is still closed and thick. My measurements are on target. The baby's heart rate was 142.

Monday, October 18, 2010

enjoying new couch

Matt and Matt F. enjoying our new couch while watching college football. They were inventive by using the console (probably is meant to hold remotes) as a place to hold their beer
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 31

My sciatic nerve is still in pain, but the doctor showed my some exercise to help with it and also wrote a script for prenatal massage. I passed the sugar test. I am measuring right where I should be. The heart rate was 147.
Yesterday I felt really dizzy (room spinning and everything) when I woke up. I think I may be experiencing Braxton Hicks. The charlie horses came back too this week.
Thanks to Katie & Beth for getting me fried pickles from Delanie's today. Amy also made me delicious vegetable soup and spaghetti and meatballs. My co-workers are already taking care of me and the baby. They are my WBTPW this week!
This past weekend the baby got to go BW's in Kent where mommy hung out a lot during college. The baby also ate at Rays and hear some of my sorority sister's voices.
Matt somehow hurt his neck and his on some serious pain meds. We hope he feels better soon! He's not sure what he did wrong, but woke up in pain and couldn't move his neck and shoulder. He is taking some PT for the next couple of weeks in addition to his meds. Daddy needs to get better before the baby comes!
I have been trying to stretch more this week. Matt and I attended our first baby birthing class.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mary & Greta Pregnant pics

One of my first friends, Mary only has 13 more days. I have 10 more weeks, but who's counting!
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Kent Homecoming Pictures

Here's to a our new sorority house that is almost complete!

Kristen is the WBTPW (Woman behind the pregnant women) by making sure we had our waters

Greta, Janelle, & Cheese just like old times (well almost, the drinking water thing is new)
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Monday, October 4, 2010

MIchelle's Birthday

Maddie shaking her tail for the story, "If You're a Monster and you know it"

Matt & Maddie having their growling war

Maddie was so eager to have her mom open her presents. She was a fast helper!
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Football Hall of Fame

Football Hall of Fame pictures with Charla.
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Week 29

This weekend was rough in my pregnancy. I was so tired and my sciatic nerve hurt all weekend long. I almost fainted at church. But, there were some positives to the weekend. I have not heard anything from my glucose sugar test. So no news is good news. My sister Charla and I had a great time at the Football Hall of Fame. The Browns had their first win of the season! Matt and I enjoyed watching the game on our new couch. The couch helped my sicatic nerve temporally. We celebrated Michelle's birthday. Maddie loved playing hide and go seek and having a growling match with Uncle Matt.